
The Barcelona Python Meetup Group - Python June Meetup

Thursday 18 June 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

c/ Dr. Aiguader, 88, Barcelona, España

3 Talks/Speakers are confirmed for this Meetup:

- An introduction to the Flask Web framework and a recipe for the Google's App Enginer Speaker: Gabriel de Maeztu [Duration: 20-25 min] - Real-time KPI metrics with Django and Statsd Speaker: Israel Saeta Pérez [Duration: 20 min]

- Python and Cancer Genomics Speaker: Loris Mularoni [Duration: 20 min]

If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form: http://pybcn.org/call-for-speakers.html

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps