
Docker Barcelona - Docker in Testing and Production

Tuesday 21 July 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Llacuna 162, Barcelona, España

Join us in the 8th Docker Barcelona Meetup (#dockerbcn). Today we'll step back from development a bit and focus on testing and production, which are indispensable parts of software delivery. Before continuing with the Schedule, some quick mentions. We're growing really fast, I'm amazed by the movement we have in Barcelona about Docker. I can hardly keep up with the pace, thankfully I have help to make this group grow even more, Emmet has joined as co-organizer (applause please). We're currently 566 people (time of writing) and we're continuously growing. We have now an official channel for submision of talk proposals http://bit.ly/1Mk41WC. Another request was to make the events available by streaming, Jordi is helping setup microphone + hangout with sharing screen to stream it online. A big thanks to Itnig for providing as the space up to now, we´ll continue to prepare events there also, but since we always max-out the seats we needed some more space to breath, so Nicolas helped us secure space at Barcelona Activa with the help of SeedRocket, the room can fit[masked] people.  Moreover, we'll try to do events in monthly basis, so keep those docker talk proposals coming. Last but not least, Barcelona was selected to be the location for DockerCon EU 2015 in November! You can register here http://europe.dockercon.com/ don't miss it, it's going to be big!!! Schedule - 19:00 The Borg is docking your system; testing is futile! Or is it?- 19:30 Docker in Production or how to serve 23M daily requests- 20:00 Lighting talks

The Borg is docking your system; testing is futile! Or is it?(Speaker: Alex Soto) With microservices, polyglot and devops on the rise, where are we at with testing? Our applications are beginning to run over software containers like Docker and they are not developed with a unique language but with several of them.How we can write tests for these kind of scenarios? Come to this session to learn how Arquillian Cube can help you on this mission and make your integration/infrastructure tests as simple as a unit test. Docker in Production or how to serve 23M daily requests(Speaker: Dimitris Kapanidis)

The vision of Harbur is to help software industries with Containers Delivery. Today I'll present how we built from scratch a container-based cluster solution for a client and put to production in less than 3 months. The cluster now serves 23 million daily requests and has features such as high-availability, auto-healing, canary releases. This talk will be a fast-forward trip from inception to delivery and the lessons-learned. Lightning Talks  The following are some of the lightning talks that will be presented. As always, if there are volunteers from the attendees that want to present they will be more than welcome to share their experiences.  - Using docker for stress tests(Speaker: Xavier Fernandez) In Abiquo we are incorporating docker in our daily development cycle, helping the dev team to improve their job performance and facilitating test deployments with complex scenarios. The aim of this lightning talk it's to explain how we use docker to deploy hundreds of mocks microservices to simulate big datacenters and do stress tests

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps