
AngularJS Barcelona - June Open Space

Thursday 12 June 2014, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer Bailen 11, Barcelona, España

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago we are changing the format of the meetups from talks (that will be held as part of BarcelonaJS) to an Open Space (see http://www.agileopen.net/on-open-space) with just one session. The Open Space will work in the following way: - At the beginning of the meetup everyone can suggest a topic to talk about (You don't have to be an expert to suggest a topic; you may just want to learn a bit about something) - After topics have been suggested, the attendants will vote - We will talk about the most voted topic for 1 hour in the main room but if, at any time, someone feels like the topic chosen is of no interest to them and want to talk about something else with someone, it is absolutely ok for them to leave the main group and talk about whatever they want to talk about. We have limited the attendance to 30 people because of limitations in the venue. If you wanted to come and the list is full, please add yourself to the waitlist so that we can gauge the demand for these open spaces and see if we need a bigger place for them. If you can't make and there is a waitlist, please free your slot so that someone else can come. See you there, Jose and Sergio

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps