
AngularJS Barcelona - Dart Flight School with AngularDart by Google

Friday 16 May 2014, 17:30 - 18:30

Carrer Bailen 11, Barcelona, España

Hi Angularistas, we have a very special event concerning the AngularJS community. Google has a learning program for the Dart language called Dart Flight School with AngularDart which consists in a serie of talks and workshops to get started with both Dart language and the Angular framework.  Esteban Dorado Roldán and  Alberto Gutierrez Juanes from GDG Granada (google.com/+Gdggranada) will be at Barcelona next friday  16th May to present this edge technology and its possibilities.  This is the draft of the event scheduling:  + Charla: Introducción a Dart  + Charla: From AngularJS to AngularDart  + Codelab: Dart We are excited about this event and we hope we attract your attention.  We ask all the group members to be responsible with the reservations. If you finally can't make it to the event or you just change your mind please update your reservation so other members can come and we can foreknow the number of attendants.


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Publicado por: Miquel Camps