Víctor Pérez Rey

Backend web developer -
Amsterdam, Nederland

Backend developer

Busco en betabeers: I've moved along several platforms during the first years of my career. I started with front-end (officially 1 year, but informally over 3), followed by Android (above 1 year) and finally at backend I found my place.
Solving problems through dialectic and afterwards implementing them. Thinking in terms of genericity, coupling, extensibility, clean code and so many other terms are not just buzzy words. They conform key pieces in the problem-solving-software-creation puzzle that is this industry. That can be consider my main vision of what my profession is.
As you will read, I have some Java experience, sure, Java it's my milestone for developing, but also find comfortable with opposite paradigms as Python, Ruby or Bash.
In other levels, Unix/Linux OSs, DevOps or testing mindset draw my attention and continiously sneak into my reading list.

Registrado desde 03/12/2014

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