Social Point

Frontend web developer -

Social Point was founded in 2008 by Andrés Bou and Horacio Martos with the aim of creating social and casual games accessible on the major social networks for everyone. Today, with more than 100 employees of 15 different nationalities, Social Point has become one of the leading companies of the social gaming sector. Our games are played worldwide by nearly 37 million people every month and are translated into many different languages. Our titles are amongst the most popular on-line including Dragon City, Social Empires, Social Wars, Pool Master, Trial Madness, … Our offices are located in 22@Barcelona, the innovative district of the city which includes modern spaces for the strategic concentration of intensive knowledge-based activities. Our multidisciplinary team includes amazing game designers, producers, artists, engineers, testers, and other professionals related to other areas of the business (Marketing, Finance, HR…). At Social Point we have always one thing in mind; the most important thing are our players. Our mission is to connect people through games and make them have a really good time.

Registrado desde 21/01/2013

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