Ricardo García Vega
Mobile / App developer -
Castrillón, Asturias, España
Computer Engineer with more than 12 years of experience dedicated to the development of web applications from scratch, mainly specialized in J2EE technologies (Struts2), PHP (Yii), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (jQuery).
Currently working as a freelance developer, learning, creating and developing collaborative, simple and functional applications using technologies such as Ruby on Rails, CoffeScript, Haml, SASS, Backbone, etc.
Always in constant search for the balance between development and design, at all times to create a good user experience. Whenever I'm not developing new applications, you can find me riding on any of my different boards, for either sea, snow or just on the boardwalk... Love & Boards, yeah!
✔ Disponible como freelance
Registrado desde 24/11/2012
Redes sociales
Adobe Photoshop back-end CoffeeScript CSS css3 CVS data modeling Entrepreneurship frontend git haml hibernate html5 ibatis J2EE javascript jquery jquery UI less mvc mysql oracle php Ruby Ruby on Rails sass Struts2 svn UX Web Development xhtml Yii PHP FrameworkForo
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