Moisés Martínez

Data Scientist / Artificial Intelligence -
Madrid, España

I am a Ph.D. in the field of Artificial Intelligence, specializing in classical planning and automated systems. My Ph.D. thesis consists in extend some works on abstractions to the field of classical planning by generating abstract partial plans that provide detailed actions in the first steps of the plan. In later steps of the plan, it will only provide limited details, since the actions that are planned to be executed in the future are very unlikely to be used, given the uncertainty in plan execution. The future is always uncertain to spend a lot of time reasoning about it. My work focuses on two main aspects. The first one consists in generate planners which can be used for planning and execution. The second one is solving real world problems (robotics, logistic, video-games) using automated planing. Currently, I am member of the Planning and Learning Group (PLG) at Carlos III de Madrid university.

Busco en betabeers: Learning more about Machine Learning, Android and C++. Learning about new technologies. Meet people from the spanish community and read news about meets and conferences related to new technologies.

Registrado desde 20/07/2016

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Apache Spark Automated Planning hadoop Java Machine Learning Robotics scala





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