Lluís Ripoll

Emprendedor -
Barcelona, España

My work focuses on two areas: A.- Generation of business growth (Management Consulting) I have extensive experience working with and leading cross-functional teams, analyzing markets, customer data and competitors to define strategic directions/actions lines that allow for sustained growth. B.- Evolution of product lines and creation of new value propositions (Marketing & Innovation) Generating and analyzing new fresh customer insights to evolve existing service/product lines (incremental innovation), identify new market opportunities and new product /services and define their launch strategy. This area includes customer loyalty and customer experience. Common tools in this area include empathic research, Design Thinking and traditional marketing methodologies and practices. Although I work in many sectors, it is the Internet, Media, Mobile, Telco & Entertainment sector in which I have thorough experience facilitating breakthroughs. I have worked for multinationals and start-ups in a variety of geographies such as the UK, France, Spain, USA, Brazil or Japan. Some examples of clients I have worked for include Telefonica, BetclickEverst Group, Interkom Online / Viag Interkom, Fujitsu, Fujitsu Siemens, Abertis Telecom, British Telecom, Vocento, Huawei and Grupo Planeta.

Registrado desde 27/06/2013

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