javier ramirez
Backend web developer -
I'm the CTO of ASPgems, where I've been working since 2006 developing web projects with Ruby on Rails.
I'm also the author of the book “Aptana RadRails: An IDE for Rails Development” and an active member of the Ruby scene, being a founding member of the Spanish Rails Conference, the Spanish Ruby Users Group (SRUG), madrid-rb, the Ruby users group in Madrid, and the Spanish Railscamp.
I'm currently based in London —with regular trips to the company headquarters in Madrid. In the past I've been working in Zaragoza, Brescia, New York, Barcelona and Madrid.
Since November 1994 I've been earning my salt in software development, doing this and that in different places, industries and companies, including a small java-centric shop I co-founded —and then cowardly left— some years ago.
Along these years I've delivered training on things like Robotics, Software Engineering, JAVA, PHP and Ruby on Rails. I have also participated in several workshops and conferences talking about Ruby on Rails, plug-in and games programming, XML processing, CSS frameworks, SEO or agile development.
The list of companies I've work for includes Fundación San Valero, Intersneter, Qarana Solutions, Genetsis Partners, Vector Software Factory, Intesys Integrated Services, Utende (I co-founded it), Fatwire and ASPgems. I'm proud to have helped clients ranging from small start ups to big banks and corporations in Spain, Italy, the US and the UK.
I have worked as a lecturer for three Universities:
Fundación San Valero (Software engineering I and Software analysis & design)
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (JAVA programming and Advanced JAVA)
Tracor/San Pablo CEU (Web development with PHP and MySQL)
✔ Disponible como freelance
Registrado desde 20/03/2012
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