Igor Llorente
Diseñador -
Madrid, España
Excellent web research and analytical skills. More than 10 years working in Internet. Familiarity with Internet infrastructure, Web Design, Web Development, CMS (Content Management Systems) Web analytics and Web hosting (WHOIS, DNS, Firewalls, IP, URL ...) Google Products: Google Search (alerts, custom search, blogsearch ...), Google Apps, Maps, Earth, Analytics, Chrome, Wave, Google Web Toolkit, Blogger, Picasa, Youtube ...
Operative Systems: Apple (Mac OS, iPhone OS...), Windows, Linux, Android ... Programming & WEB: C++, HTML, VB, Drupal, Joomla, .NET, PHP-Nuke ... Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote ...
Adobe Macromedia: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere... Other: Quark Xpress, Labview, Matlab, 3Ds MAX studio, Autocad 3D...
Multicultural Multimedia, Networking, PR, Identity, NGOs & 3rd Sector,
Busco en betabeers: Montar equipo para una StartUp
✔ Disponible como freelance
Registrado desde 20/09/2012
Redes sociales
apps Design graphic ingeniero Multimedia social media startup TelecomunicacionesForo
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