Ashley VanCott
Emprendedor -
Santiago, Chile
I am an enthusiastic entrepreneur and independently motivated individual. My diverse work, education, travel, and life experiences have contributed to the formation of my current professional endeavor – changing the academic world and developing countries for the better through BioPub.
BioPub is a startup with the mission to train and teach undergraduate and graduate students in the life sciences how to communicate research, in addition to supporting and facilitating the academic responsibilities of researchers in universities from developing countries.
BioPub is committed to accelerating and improving the publication process of scientific articles in developing countries by providing the scientific community with products, services, and resources that will improve the quality, quantity, and impact of scientific articles.
BioPub is a unique and innovative startup in the world that complements the role of the universities by training the next generation of advanced human capital in the life sciences on scientific writing and the publication process.
For more visit us at: or contact me directly.
Registrado desde 19/11/2015
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