Alejandro Galvis

Marketing -

Growth Hacker, Social Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, I'm an innovative thinker who has the ability to influence others and generate excitement for their ideas throughout the organization from the branding, ads and marketing to the business development and customer service in all stages (B2B2C). For the past 16 years, I've been working in the Internet industry as a freelancer and consultant. I love big data driven and design focused products and growth markets. I thoroughly enjoy working with technology startups that are striving to solve relevant business problems. I'm always open to helping out early stage startups gain traction through creative growth initiatives and go to market strategies. I love games and video games and volunteer for global goals including: No Poverty - Zero Hunger - Good Health and Well-Being - Quality Education - Gender Equality - Clean Water and Sanitation - Affordable and Clean Energy - Decent Work and Economic Growth - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - Reduce Inequalities - Sustainable Cities and Communities - Responsible Consumption and Production - Climate Action - Life Below Water - Life on Land - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions and Partnership for the Goals. Cheers!

Busco en betabeers: Networking, compartir conocimiento y aprender.

Registrado desde 05/05/2016

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