
The London Python Group - TLPG - ZeroDB the end-to-end encrypted database

Thursday 28 January 2016, 19:30 - 20:30

10 South Place, EC2M 7EB, London, Reino Unido

Dear Pythonistas, Happy new year of python on the desktop!Fortunately it's been a while since python is on desktops and almost on anything with a power supply. The first talk of this year is about a new tecnology with a lot of past behind: ZeroDB. From the word of our next two speakers, MacLane Wilkison & Michael Egorov: ZeroDB is an end-to-end encrypteddatabase that allows you to operate on encrypted data. As per usual please register at: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/7755-london-python-group-meetup The full details are: Authors: MacLane Wilkison & Michael EgorovSubject: ZeroDB is an end-to-end encrypted database that allows you to operate on encrypted dataDate: 28th Jan. 2016, 6.30pmLocation: Skills Matter | CodeNode10 South Place, EC2M 7EB, LondonDescription: ZeroDB (http://www.zerodb.io/) provides a way to query encrypted data without sendingencryption keys to the database server. It is based on ZODB, a Python object database,and is agnostic to the encryption algorithm used. It can be used by enterprises to securelyoutsource databases to cloud environments and by software developers to easily write end-to-endencrypted applications. GitHub repo is: https://github.com/zero-db

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps