
The London Python Group - TLPG - Outside-In TDD and Test Isolation.

Tuesday 3 June 2014, 19:30 - 20:30

116-120 Goswell Road, London, Reino Unido

Dear pythonistas, Some say Software is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent testing. Would you like to learn how to better implement TDD through just a few essential practices? Please Join Harry Percival, author of Test-Driven Web Development with Python, to streamline your testing experience in our early May meetup.   "Outside-In TDD and Test Isolation.    How to use the pain of horrible mocks to drive better design" Harry's talk will use a practical demonstration to illustrate TDD, and more specifically a couple of practices within TDD: • Outside-In TDD, in which tests drive the design of the application from the    outermost layers (presentation layer) in and down towards the model layer • Test Isolation, and Mocking: how to turn the common "too many mocks"    problem into a strength by "listening to the tests", and letting them    drive better designs. If you've been following some of the controversy surrounding DHH's "TDD is dead" and were wondering what it was all about, this should hopefully provide a bit of context to help understand those discussions better, and help you form own opinions. The idea is to use a practical example to illustrate some of the pros and cons of outside-in, isolated tests vs integrated tests, and mocking, and thus leave the audience with a few more tools in their testing arsenal, and some notions for being able to choose the right technique at the right time, in their own projects.

As per usual please register for the event at: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6410-outside-in-tdd-and-test-isolation-how-to-use-the-pain-of-horrible-mocks-to-drive-better-design

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps