
The Barcelona Python Meetup Group - Python September Meetup

Tuesday 22 September 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Plaza Catalunya, 1, Barcelona, España

ATENTION!! NEW LOCATION!!  Venue: Skyscanner Offices Plaça Catalunya,1 ("El Triangle" building) 5th FLOOR Speakers:  “Hacking the BCN housing market” (Scrapy) by Tudor Barbu (@motanelu) - 10min [English]

"Técnicas OSINT & Python" by Albert Sanchez (@State_X) - 30min [Spanish]

"Image processing for beginners" by Prassanna Ganesh - 30min [English]

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  There is access control in the building. We are going to provide them the list with atendees names for that reason RSVP+1 are not allowed. Please make sure you have your full name in your profile or you may have issues at the security checkpoint. Limited to 60 seats, please be responsible when singing up. -------------------------------------------------------------  If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form: http://pybcn.org/call-for-speakers.html

Más información

Publicado por: Miquel Camps