
The Barcelona Python Meetup Group - Python March Meetup

Thursday 26 March 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

the hacker accelerator, Barcelona, España

If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form: http://pybcn.org/call-for-speakers.html The next Python Barcelona Meetup will be held on Thursday, 26th of March 2015 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

The list of confirmed speakers:  • Spark + iPython, by Guillermo Blasco (@theblackboxio) - 40 min • Concurrency in Python, by Aitor Guevara (@aitorciki) - 40 min The Meetup will be held at ITNIG - http://itnig.net Venue partners:

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps