
Symfony Barcelona - REST & Fabien Potencier

Tuesday 22 September 2015, 19:00 - 22:00

Auditorio AXA L'illa Diagonal, Av. Diagonal, 547, 08029 Barcelona, Barcelona, España

RESTing with Symfony
Lukas Kahwe Smith
We will start of reviewing the theory behind REST. Then we will look at how to build a REST API using Symfony and many third-party libraries in an efficient manner. We will dive into each layer including routing, controllers, serialization, versioning, testing, the security layer and even the documentation (this list is non exhaustive). Overall, this talk describes the state of REST in the Symfony world.

Performance is no more a curse
Fabien Potencier
I bet you are writing unit tests for your apps; if not, you probably feel ashamed. But what about performance? Everyone is talking about it but very few people actually integrate performance into their development workflow... After some quick theory, I will show you how to use Blackfire that makes it so easy to profile your apps that you won't have any more excuses anymore for not doing it. Finally, I will talk about my new holy grail: Continuous Performance Profiling.

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