
StartupWeekend International Edition

Friday 18 May 2018, 16:30 - Sunday 20 May 2018, 20:00

Auditorio BOX Sevilla C/ Albert Einstein s/n, Sevilla, España

The first international edition of Startup Weekend Sevilla, is aimed at all kinds of people who want to develop their idea and have at least Startup Weekend is an amazing space where we will spend 54 hours working together in teams. We want this edition of Sevilla Startup Weekend to be another huge brainstorming session where we show off our talents and the big ideas that we can make reality.

Who is SW for?

This edition is for everyone who wants to have an incredible experience all in english!!! The profile is generic. Wow, it sounds great, but I don’t have an idea! Startup Weekend is not just about having an idea, it’s about working as part of a team. Teams are formed around the ideas with the most votes on the first day. That means you can contribute your knowledge and experience to the business idea that most inspires you. Everyone is important at Startup Weekend.

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Publicado por: Maria Aristoy