
Skills Matter - X Matters Series - Free Developer Events - Code Caching for JS Developers

Thursday 20 September 2018, 19:30 - 20:30

10 South Place, EC2M 7EB, London, Reino Unido

Don't miss out on the chance to learn about code caching from Leszek Świrski, hacker on V8, Google's high performance open source JavaScript engine! Everybody knows that the fastest way to do something is to not do it at all, and V8 is no exception. After all, why parse and compile JavaScript that we’ve already parsed and compiled before? But the caching behaviour of a JavaScript engine can be a bit of a mystery. What even gets cached, and why? Who decides when it is cached and where is it stored — and how many caches even are there? What if I use a service worker? This talk will demystify code caching in V8, describing how code caching interacts with the disk, how in-memory code is re-used, how compiled scripts are serialized, and most importantly, how JS developers can benefit from these optimizations. --------------------------------------------------- About the Speaker: Leszek ŚwirskiLeszek Swirski has been a software engineer at Google for three years, first in California, now in London, working on the performance of the Android camera and the V8 Javascript engine. Before joining Google, Leszek did a PhD in the University of Cambridge, researching gaze estimation (a.k.a. eye tracking) on stereoscopic (a.k.a. “3D”) displays. ---------------------------------------------------FREE TICKETS Attendance is free for registered delegates, and you can register here: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/11053-code-caching-for-js-developers WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WHAT: Code Caching for JS Developers WHEN: Thursday 20th September WHERE: Skills Matter, CodeNode REGISTRATION(FREE): https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/11053-code-caching-for-js-developers

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Publicado por: Betabeers