
Sevilla Java User Group (SVQJUG) - Taller sobre Micronaut

Friday 7 June 2019, 16:30 - 17:30

Av. de Diego Martínez Barrio, 10, Sevilla, España

Micronaut es un framework basado en la JVM para crear microservicios reactivos en Java, Groovy y Kotlin. Micronaut es desarrollado por los creadores de Grails, y toma inspiraciones de las lecciones aprendidas durante 10 años construyendo un framework basado en Spring. En este taller se construirán 2 microservicios usando Java, Gradle, JPA con H2, MongoDB/Reactive y Consul. También cubre funcionalidades básicas del framework como: * Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control (IoC).* Configuration system.* HTTP services.* Cloud and serverless deployments.* Management & Monitoring. El taller está disponible en https://alvarosanchez.github.io/micronaut-workshop-javaPor favor, revisa los requisitos antes de asistir y descarga el software necesario. Este taller se realiza gracias al patrocinio de Profile Software Services https://profile.es/ y Object Computing, Inc (OCI) https://objectcomputing.com/ Profile es una consultora tecnológica dedicada a ayudar a grandes empresas en su transformación digital. Está especializada en arquitecturas empresariales, desarrollo web y móvil, gestión y gobierno de APIs, cloud computing, metodologías ágiles y UX. En 2018, Profile abrió oficina en Sevilla, que se suma a sus otras sedes en Madrid y Barcelona. At Object Computing, we deliver mission-critical software engineering solutions that accelerate innovation within your organization and stand up to the evolving demands of your business. Our full lifecycle software engineering capabilities span multiple technology domains and are architected for superior quality, operational efficiency, extensibility, and adaptability. Our team of experienced and disciplined software engineers embrace continuous learning and professional development to refine and enhance their collective skills and leverage software development best practices. Mentoring and knowledge transfer are core to our service delivery, helping improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our clients’ teams. Please visit objectcomputing.com to learn more about how we partner with clients to reimagine solutions using enabling technologies in the areas of machine learning, internet of things, blockchain, and cloud engineering. About the speaker:Álvaro is a passionate developer and agile enthusiast with over 18 years of experience. He now works as a Senior Software Engineer at Object Computing (OCI), the company leading Groovy, Grails and Micronaut open-source development. Before working at OCI, he spent some years working in different industries like gambling games (Odobo) and fintech (4Finance). Prior to that, he created his own company, Salenda, in 2005, a software factory and Atlassian Solution Partner headquartered in Madrid, Spain. Previously, he worked at companies like IBM BCS, BEA Systems or Sun Microsystems. Álvaro is a speaker at conferences like Devoxx BE, GeeCON, JavaLand, JavaZone, Codemotion and Commit Conf. In his spare time, as well as coding and experimenting with new technologies, he likes to spend time with his wife and son, support CD Leganes football team, and play paddle tennis.

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Publicado por: Betabeers