
ScalaMAD: Scala Programming @ Madrid - From ECMAScript 5 to ES 6 to Scala.js

Monday 29 June 2015, 19:15 - 20:15

C/ Bailén, 41 28005 , Madrid, España

Coming from JavaScript, jumping to Scala.js can look like a long shot. Many have argued that compiling Scala to JavaScript can't possibly be a good idea, considering how different the two languages are. In this talk, we will show that Scala.js is much closer to JavaScript than many people think, and even more so to ECMAScript 6. The talk will explore how certain language features have evolved from ES 5 to ES 6, and how they "evolve" further to Scala.js. In the process, we will see how these similarities allow Scala.js to easily interoperate with JavaScript code. NOTAS:  * La charla será impartida por Sébastien Doeraene, reconocido experto en Javascript y Scala, ponente habitual y desarrollador principal de http://www.scala-js.org/ * Este encuentro se ha organizado conjuntamente con el meetup de Madrid.JS. * Gracias a typesafe.com por patrocinar la charla, y poder traer a Sébastien desde Ginebra :)

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps