
Scala Developers Barcelona - [ADV] Implicits, pimp my library & typeclasses

Thursday 11 June 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer Bailèn, 11, 08010, Barcelona, España

In this talk our own Jordi Pradel will punch our brains with his mighty boxing hook until our neurons melt down: Scala implicits are one of the most powerful features of the Scala programming language... and one of the most misunderstood and misused. In this talk, I'll talk about the different flavors of implicits in Scala, the usages to avoid and the interesting ones. I will specifically focus on 2 of the most important patterns that implicits make possible: Pimp my library & Typeclasses. Although the talk is not a basic one, you don't need to know that much Scala in advance. Being able to declare functions and using them should be enough to understand most of the talk. Everything will be explained from scratch, allowing you to understand implicits and the 2 patterns mentioned. After the talk you will not only be able to recognize and use Pimp my library and typeclasses when faced with them, but you will also know how to program these patterns by hand in your own libraries.

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps