
require('lx') - The JavaScript meetup in Lisbon - nodeschool.io - Let's learn Node.js and JavaScript together!

Wednesday 28 March 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Rua Ramalho Ortigão nºs 8 e 8A, 3ºesq 1070-230, Lisbon, Portugal

Hi fellow javascripters or future javascripters!  At nodeschool, we learn Node.js and JavaScript, starting from the basics and going towards more advanced content like Web servers, Web frameworks and more! ## Not familiar with NodeSchool NodeSchool is a collection of workshops that help you learn JavaScript by writing code and solving challenges. Check out http://nodeschool.io/ for more information ## How does it work People will group in teams of two, trying to overcome the challenges of one of the lessons. ## You need to - bring your own laptop There will be food and drinks to energise everyone's spirit :)

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Publicado por: Betabeers