
require('lx') - Require ('LX') brings ES6 iteration protocol & Pulsarcast - a P2P Pub/Sub

Tuesday 20 August 2019, 19:45 - 20:45

R. Nova do Almada 36, Lisbon, Portugal

And while everyone’s on holidays… We’re getting together again on our monthly meet up this time @Fullfabric events spot in Rua Nova do Almada 36 (not their office)! TALK 1EXPLORING ES6 ITERATION PROTOCOL WITH TYPESCRIPT Symbols? Generator functions? Iterables? Iterators? If all these sound foreign to you, then this talk will help make things clearer.This talk takes an explorative look at some of the new features that got introduced into JavaScript as part of ES6 and how they can be used together to implement the iteration protocol, which allows us to create custom data structures that can be used with the "for of" syntax, spread syntax, destructuring assignment etc.To top it all, we would also take a look at how TypeScript can be used to guarantee compile-time safety when using these features.This talk is inspired by a series of blog posts I recently published: Symbols, Iterables, Iterators and Generators in JavaScript. See start of the series here https://www.geekabyte.io/2019/06/symbols-iterables-iterators-and.html Speaker: Dadepo Aderemi TALK 2PULSARCAST - A P2P PUB/SUBThis talk will give you a (hopefully non boring) overview of pub/sub systems and protocols, why these are important and the pros and cons of a centralized pub/sub solution vs a decentralized one. If you're not already asleep at this point I'm ready to consider you one of my best friends (the rest of you don't worry, this is probably not a cause for celebration) and I'll have the pleasure to introduce you to Pulsacast, a Pub/Sub decentralized system built on top of libp2p, a project which I've been working on as my M.Sc. thesis. Speaker: João Antunes Please note the event will take place in this address (not FullFabric offices):Rua Nova do Almada, nº 362º FrenteLisboa We’re going to have snacks and network time as usual. Bring your flipflops.Cheers!

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Publicado por: Betabeers