
PyLadies BCN - PyLadies BCN 2.0

Thursday 6 November 2014, 19:00 - 20:00

-, Barcelona, España

Hello Pyladies! We haven't been very active after coming back from our summer vacations, mainly because we were having a hard time with attendance and bringing people together at organized events. It seems that since then we have grown in interest and have around 47 Pyladies join our Meetup group! We would love to meet all of you, know what your interest are, how can Pyladies help you achieve your goals and what kind of meetups, events, tools, network, support, we as a group can offer and provide to each other! This PyLadies BCN 2.0 event is intended to get to know new Pyladies, set up our group goals and organize ourselves. Nuria has written a great Agenda for the evening: 1) PyLadiesBCN presentation for newcomers:+ How this group works (meetup, list, twitter)+ Other related communities (PyBCN, LadiesJS, Geek Girls)+ Past events 2 ) Place to meet in future meetups+ Punt multimedia+ Centres cívics ($)+ Public Libraries+ Itnig  3) Actions for “newbies” in python+ On line courses+ “Mentoring” 4) Meetup Activities+ Lighting talks+ Workshops+ Inspiring woman talks (not only PyLadies)+ Experts from a concret theme+ On-line events with other chapters+ Coding Dojos, Katas, Hackathons,... 5) Actions activities outside the meetups+ Schools (workshops, expierience talks, etc.)+ Volunteers in events in BCN 6) Other:+ Arduino workshops based on http://www.handsonwsn.org/+ Collaboration with the guys from http://www.meetup.com/handsonwsn/+ LadiesJS, Geek Girls, etc. collaboration meetups We haven't got a location yet, because it will depend on how many people RSVP to attend. Even if you are a Python beginner, new to the Meetup group... this is a great opportunity for you to attend, we are starting a new Pyladies BCN 2.0 and its success depends on you! Come and let's get to know each other and let's make together Pyladies BCN a great Pyladies chapter! :)

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps