
PyLadies BCN - Introduction to Github and python virtualenv

Tuesday 27 October 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Roc Boronat, 138 08018 Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Introductory session to GitHub, by Joana Figueira We start this session with a 10min talk on the main features of GitHub (what it is, why and how to use it). Afterwards the idea is to setup GitHub and Git. Followed by a step-by-step exercise where we'll put our first “project” up on GitHub.

virtualenv, if you don’t love it is probably because you don’t know about it, by Elisabeth Ortega In the ten minutes session I will introduce you in the what’s, why’s and how’s about virtualenv. I’ll put you in the shoes of a web developer, which always work with Django 1.3 but now has to test the project of a workmate which uses Django 1.8. What happens if she install Django 1.8 on its computer? Why she get scared after test her own code? How can she avoid the disaster? All these questions and more will be answered in the next PyLadies meeting.

DOUBLE ATTENTION! THE ROOM HAS CHANGED AGAIN!!  How to find the room The meetup will be host at UPF, at the Campus del Poblenou, Roc Boronat Building, room 52.415, that is, building 52, 4th floor, room 15. The address is Roc Boronat, 138 - 08018 Barcelona. As you enter the building through the front door, go through the right door (you should see a building 52 signal somewhere), up the stairs to the 4th floor and look for the room 15. If you use the elevator don't use the first one you see because that one doesn't let you go to the 4th floor. Instead, go to the elevator that is behind that, in the other corridor. Be patient, it is slow  ;) If anybody has any question or suggestion please contact us! We look forward to seeing you all at the meetup :)

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps