
PHPMad - Introducción a RabbitMQ por Alvaro Videla

Wednesday 11 February 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

C/Gran Vía 28, Madrid, España

En febrero contamos con un ponente de altura, Don Alvaro Videla, que aprovechando que se encuentra en Madrid, se pasará por PHPMad para darnos su charla "Introducción a RabbitMQ" Descripción de la charla:  Do you need to process thousands of images in the background for your web app?  Do you need to share data across multiple applications, probably written in different languages and sitting at different servers? Your real time data feed is becoming slow because you are polling the database constantly for new data updates?  Do you need to scale information processing during peek times?  What about deploying new features with zero downtime?  If any of these problems sound familiar then you probably need to use messaging in your application. In this talk I will introduce RabbitMQ, a messaging and queue server that can help us tackle those problems. We will learn the benefits of a Queue Server and see how to integrate messaging into our applications. With this talk we hope that the term 'decoupling' gets a new, broader, meaning. Sobre Alvaro Videla Álvaro (@old_sound) trabaja como Developer Advocate para RabbitMQ/Pivotal y es coautor del libro  RabbitMQ in Action<a href="http://tadium.es/"></a>

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps