
OpenSource & Agile Community Events - Gojko Adzic's Specification by Example: From User Stories to Acceptance Tests

Tuesday 7 November 2017, 10:00 - 11:00

10 South Place, EC2M 7EB, London, Reino Unido

Are you interested in creating more structured requirements and tests? Do you want to improve your communication bridge and avoid common mistakes? Join Gojko Adzic for this exciting two day workshop! Specification by example is a collaborative approach to defining requirements and tests for based on capturing realistic examples instead of abstract statements. It is the cornerstone of any successful requirements and testing and requirements strategy with agile and lean processes, such as Scrum, Extreme Programming and Kanban. This workshop teaches you how to apply specification by example to bridge the communication gap between stakeholders and implementation teams, build quality into software from the start, design, develop and deliver systems fit for purpose. Learn how to: •How to extend specifications with examples to create a single source of truth for testing and development •How to avoid functional gaps and inconsistencies in specifications and tests •How to run specification workshops to facilitate collaboration •Good practices for designing specifications with examples and acceptance tests for agile teams •How to create a living documentation system to facilitate change and improve your process long-term •How other teams, from small web startups to large distributed teams in investment banks, apply specification by example in their contexts Check out the workshop here or the full course program here About Adzic Gojko : Adzic Gojko has helped numerous teams implement best specification-by-example practices, written two books on the subject and contributed to several open source projects. He frequently speaks at leading industry conferences.

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Publicado por: Betabeers