NSBarcelona - Automatic Sizing for CollectionView cells & Framework independent apps in Swift
Wednesday 3 October 2018, 19:30 - 20:30
Carrer de Bac de Roda, 58, Barcelona, España
Very excited to invite Pierluigi and Tiago to speak at our next Swift meetup. Automatic Sizing for CollectionView cellsPierluigi Cifani Automatic sizing for UITableViewCells is easy peasy; but what about it's younger and more flexible brother UICollectionView? For multiple columns this gets tricky, so buckle up if you want to start a journey on UICollectionViewFlowLayout, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes and friends! Framework independent apps in SwiftTiago Martinho How can we structure a Swift application in order to decouple it from the framework we are working with. Learn through a practical example how cost effective it is to test and port a Swift app from iOS to macOS and the benefits/costs associated with this approach. This event will be sponsored for the first time by ServiZurich, who have kindly offered their space in their awesome @22 offices in Poble Nou. Come for some swift chat, beers, pizza and awesome friends. And after we'll go grab a beer if you're into that kind of thing.
Publicado por: Betabeers