
MallorcaJS - webpack and code splitting - Sean Larkin

Wednesday 5 December 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer de Santa Rita, Palma, España

Sean Larkin core team member of webpack and Technical Program Manager at Microsoft Edge is coming all the way from America to chat to us about webpack and code splitting. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about webpack or who are using it in their projects so you can take advantage of its best features and if you are not already using code splitting then now is your chance to learn how. You will have the opportunity to talk to Sean Larkin directly and network with others over some food and drinks. The event will take place on Wednesday the 5th of December at 7pm at the offices of todopatterson Carrer de Santa Rita, 9, 07014, Palma. Come along and meet Sean Larkin :) @thelarkinn Food and drink will be provided by todopatterson Places are limited FYI - We will be taking professional photos for promotional purposes to share on social media. Should you not want to be in these photos please let us know. :)

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Publicado por: Betabeers