MallorcaJS - Microsoft Azure for JS developers by Kenneth Truyers
Tuesday 6 September 2016, 19:00 - 20:00
22 carrer socorrs , Palma, España
Microsoft Azure provides a wide variety of cloud offerings in IAAS, PAAS or SAAS models, suitable for any IT project, from small-scale websites to large enterprise projects. It is platform agnostic and has solutions for any programming platform and OS. This talks focuses on building JavaScript applications using Microsoft's Azure PAAS offerings. We'll dive deep into the topic of Azure websites and how you can leverage then for scalable web projects. Additionally, we'll look into what complementary services are available. This meetup will be in english. Para poder acceder al recinto de Palma Activa, todos los participantes en el meetup tienen que inscribirse en Reunalia.
Publicado por: Betabeers