
Madrid PaaS, Cloud Foundry and Bluemix Meetup - #BeCognitiveMyFriend #Watson Workshop

Thursday 17 December 2015, 09:30 - 10:30

Calle Corazón de María, 44 (esquina con Santa Hortensia), Madrid, España

Si, esto no es un meetup, aunque intentaremos que haya cerves y pizzas. Esto es un workshop de una jornada de duración, enfocada fundamentalmente a Startups que quieren añadir capacidades cognitivas a su solución. OJO; prerrequisitos previos. Para realizar el workshop es necesario que traigais vuestro portátil. A continuación tenéis los prerrequisitos necesarios para poder seguir ls laboratorios. This Workshop will be in english. * Prerrequisities (check and get ready before december 17th): 1.- Bluemix account  - need to register at: ibm.biz/BluemixES2.- You will have to BRING your own laptop for the hands labs. Install following before the WShop:   • Java SE Development Kit 8 (Not JRE)     http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html   • Eclipse Mars(4.5) Java Enterprise Edition     From Eclipse.org: http://eclipse.org     From Eclipse Marketplace: From Eclipse, click Help > Eclipse marketplace       ! IBM Bluemix plugin       ! Enide.p2f – Eclipse Node.js IDE .17.plus plugin   • Node.js     https://nodejs.org   • Cloud Foundry command-line interface     https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli

* Contents and agenda: 9:00  - 9:30   Registry & Set up9:30  - 10:30  Introduction and Presentations10:30 - 11:45   Bluemix - Play with the environment hands on labs11:45  - 12:00  Small break12:00 - 12:30  Cognitive Programming Presentation12:30 - 13:30   Cognitive Labs using Watson Developer                          Cloud API's. Part 113:30 - 14:30   Luch time14:30 - 16:00  Cognitive Labs using Watson Developer                          Cloud API's. Part 2                          Hands on labs with very little presentations16:00 - 16:30  Discussion and compare completed tasks See you soon!! and please only confirm if you are coming. Otherwise leave the slot for another person. Thanks!!

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps