
Madrid MongoDB User Group - Special Event: MongoDB and Java User Group

Wednesday 24 June 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Calle Gran Vía, 28, 28013 Madrid, Madrid, España

Hola,  El proximo día 24 vamos a tener un MUG especial visto que nos visita Katia Aresti, MongoDB Paris Leader y MongoDB Master. Katia nos viene hablar de un proyecto en que ha participado y en que se trabajó con MongoDB, Play Framework, AngularJS y Elasticsearch.  En esta ocasión lo haremos con la buena gente del Java User Group de Madrid How and why we evolved a legacy Java web application to Scala... and we are still alive! Applications get old, and technology moves fast. Overtime, adding or modifying functionalities might become as expensive as re-coding everything all from scratch. But rewriting a complete website and its functionalities it’s hard if we want to minimize the risks of breaking existing functionalities and specially when this application fits in a ecosystem and interacts with other pieces of software and teams. In this session, you will learn how we moved from a legacy java monolithic website using scala PlayFramework, AngularJS, Elasticsearch and MongoDB, how we built a multi service and REST oriented architecture, which were the technical and human problems we encountered and how we managed to solved them. Nos vemos allí!

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps