Madrid Android Developer Group - The power of automation: Gradle + Lint edition
Wednesday 13 March 2019, 19:00 - 20:00
Carrera de S. Jerónimo, 15, Madrid, España
Volvemos a la carga con un nuevo evento!Esta vez los que nos abren las puertas de su casa son nuestros amigos de Ontruck, además nos ofrecerán algo para beber y comer en el networking al terminar el evento! Hoy volvemos al formato de dos charlas, para empezar tendremos a Sergio del Amo que nos traeAndroid Build with GradleGet a deeper understanding about Gradle, the build tool used by Android.After this talk, you will be able to understand the different components of their Android build, be able to apply additional plugins or customise already applied plugins.You will learn concepts such as multi-project, product flavours and build performance optimization. Sergio is a fullstack developer specialized in the development of mobile phone apps ( iOS, Android) powered by Grails / Micronaut backends. Since 2015, he write a newsletter, Groovy Calamari, around the Groovy Ecosystem and Microservices. Groovy, Grails, Micronaut, Gradle, Y para cerrar las charlas tendremos a Chema Pérez Ramos con Custom lint rules for a custom worldEvery app has its own peculiarities, and therefore its code base suffers from some special tricks and twists.As developers that want to rest at night, we usually look for ways to have those code rarities covered.At Ontruck one of our special features is applying internationalization based on the user and not the phone settings; to support that we have built our own i18n system and, to have it covered, our own lint rules.We'll share how we built and how we use a set of custom lint rules so you can apply it to cover your own code quirks. Y también sortearemos entre todos los asistentes una entrada a GreachConf ( en la que este año cuentan con un track para Android, testing y lenguajes de la JVM (Kotlin, ejem, ejem...) Así que no pueden faltar! Los estaremos esperando ;)
Publicado por: Betabeers