
London Web Performance Group - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the HTTP Archive

Tuesday 14 October 2014, 20:00 - 21:00

1 Southwark Bridge, SE1 9HL, London, Reino Unido

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the HTTP Archive The Meetup RSVP system will not be used for this event. Please use the link below. Click here to register and purchase ticket Beer & Pizzas will be provided due to the generosity of our Group Sponsors : AppDynamics, Akamai, Cedexis, Compuware, Dyn, Financial Times, Google, NCC Group, Neustar, PEER1, and SciVisum. The web is a fascinating place. Every day millions of websites around the world are constantly evolving and growing. Fortunately, great resources such as the HTTP archive capture statistics from over 300KURLS, and provide us with useful insights into the world of web performance.The Http Archive contains a wealth of data that is only just beginning to be explored. This data can provide us with an extensive list of web performance lessons. What are some of the techniques that the best websites on the net are using? What are some of the worst sites out there doing wrong? In this session we will uncover the good, the bad, and the ugly of the HTTP Archive and show one simple thing for each that will dramatically improve their page load performance.Apart from the more well known sites out there, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc – there are a load of unsung web performance heroes that are building great sites every day. This session will bring some of their techniques to light and encourage learning within the community. The presentation will include short interviews with the teams responsible and learn how they approached their performance problem and achieved success.Engineers will look to attend this presentation because they will learn how simple changes can affect the performance of their web pages. Simple improvements can really go a long way toward improving page performance! Speakers Dean Hume (Huddle), @deanohumeDean Hume is the author of Fast ASP.Net Websites and is passionate about web performance. He is also a full-time developer working in the trenches on front line web applications. He regularly writes articles based on software development on his blog at deanhume.com Robin Osborne (Mailcloud), @rposboRobin is a freelance nerd, lover of shiny new tech and connecting solid, established tech for big wins.A lover of all things tech performance related, he’s fascinated by the various approaches teams take to improve their existing systems, or setting up new systems from scratch.  When not plugging away with new technologies, he can be found training developers, pitching for conferences, and trying to write a book or two. Robin speaks, blogs and writes at robinosborne.co.uk When there’s a spare moment, he can be found teaching his daughters to code, cycling for fun and charity, and hunting down London’s best coffee – one café at a time. This talk was previously given at Velocity New York in September 2014 FAQs What time should I arrive? • Entry to the meetup is from 18:30 to 19:00. The Registration desk is located in the main lobby/reception of the FT building which is on the 2nd floor (entrance is directly off Southwark Bridge). Security will escort arrivals in groups to the conference suite on the 6th floor. • Beer and pizzas will be served up at approx. 20:00 and the meetup will end at 22:00 and all attendees must exit the building by 22:30. Why have you started charging for your meetup events? • We are charging a nominal £5 entry for our meetup events primarily to reduce the very high level 'no shows' that we have had in the past. This is very frustrating for those that really want to go but end up not being able to attend as all the spots have been taken.The 'waitlist' concept relies on 'no shows' actually releasing their space, and we find that this just doesn't happen. 'No shows' also cause difficulties for us in terms of food and drink provision and event checkin/security.   • All food and drink is provided due the generosity of our sponsors and the entry fee's are used towards the general operation of the group. As we are a non-profit making community association, any annual surplus from both sponsorship and attendance fees will be donated to IT related charities. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? • It really helps us if you can bring your Eventbrite confirmation email to the checkin desk at the event. What is the refund policy? • In the event of the event being cancelled by the organisers, then a full refund will be made. No other refunds will be made under any circumstances. The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay? • As we are using corporate facilities to host the meetup, security will perform a name check at check-in so its much easier if for everyone if you purchase your ticket in the correct name. Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? • ID maybe required if you are not the named ticket holder. Our group sponsors provide alcholic drinks during the meetup session so you have to be over 18 to benefit from those. Click here to register and purchase ticket

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps