
London Web Performance Group - Responsive AND Fast websites, Optimising Live!

Tuesday 3 March 2015, 19:45 - 20:45

1 Southwark Bridge, SE1 9HL, London, Reino Unido

Click here to register and purchase ticket

Beer and pizzas will be provided due to the generosity of our Group Sponsors : Akamai, AppDynamics, Cedexis, Dynatrace, Dyn, The Financial Times, Google, NCC Group, Neustar, PEER1, and SciVisum.



Responsive Web Design (RWD) is quickly becoming the standard way any organisation should tackle the post-iPhone web. The client-side approach it embraces makes adapting to the current device easy – and makes it just as easy to make your site painfully slow. In many situations, the daunting task of performance optimisation is pushed out by business requirements and timelines.

Improving the performance for RWD sites doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming! This presentation will show how we can take a Responsive site and by making key changes can improve the performance for different screen resolutions, network conditions and devices. We will take a “naïve” RWD site, transform it, and make it fast using commonly available tools and techniques.

During this meetup, we’ll put an average RWD site on a 90-minute makeover (40mins talk / 10 min pit stop / 40mins talk) and show how better performance doesn't have to be a big job by:

- Reducing bytes transferred and total number of requests

- Exploring responsive images, optimised media queries, conditional loading

- Exploring RESS while maintaining cacheability and performance

- Benchmarking performance with each iteration to show results


Michael Gooding is a Web Performance Evangelist at Akamai Technologies working with some of the biggest web sites in the world helping customers identify performance bottlenecks and helping solve often complex problems. With 10 years’ experience in the IT industry, Michael started professional life as a developer but moved into consultancy when performance issues started to become the norm and not the exception.  More recently Michael has helped customers not only improve performance but aid in the study of linking improved performance back to increased revenue.  Michael is constantly researching latest optimisation trends and current techniques and sits on the organising committee of the London Web Performance Group.

Ellen van Keulen - once web developer, now web performance product manager at Akamai Technologies. Interested in all things that make the world go faster - whether that’s online or pedal powered with two wheels!  During her career Ellen has worked on some of the worlds biggest brand and sports websites as a developer, and now spends her time following, predicting & defining industry trends in order to help design Akamai features that make the internet go faster no matter what the device or network. 



What time should I arrive?

• Entry to the meetup is from 18:10 to 18:45. The Registration desk is located in the main lobby/reception of the FT building which is on the 2nd floor (entrance is directly off Southwark Bridge). Security will escort arrivals in groups to the conference suite on the 6th floor.

• Beer and pizzas will be served up at approx. 20:45 and the meetup will end at 22:15 and all attendees must exit the building by 22:30.

Why have you started charging for your meetup events?

• We are charging a nominal £5 entry for our meetup events primarily to reduce the very high level 'no shows' that we have had in the past. This is very frustrating for those that really want to go but end up not being able to attend as all the spots have been taken.The 'waitlist' concept relies on 'no shows' actually releasing their space, and we find that this just doesn't happen. 'No shows' also cause difficulties for us in terms of food and drink provision and event checkin/security.

• All food and drink is provided due the generosity of our sponsors and the entry fee's are used towards the general operation of the group. As we are a non-profit making community association, any annual surplus from both sponsorship and attendance fees will be donated to IT related charities.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

• Yes - It really helps us if you can bring your Eventbrite paper or online ticket (containing the QR code) to the checkin desk at the event.

What is the refund policy?

• In the event of the event being cancelled by the organisers, then a full refund will be made. No other refunds will be made under any circumstances. You can transfer you ticket to someone else via Eventbrite.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?

• As we are using corporate facilities to host the meetup, security will perform a name check at check-in so its much easier if for everyone if you purchase your ticket in the correct name.

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

• ID will be required if you are not the named ticket holder. Our group sponsors provide alcholic drinks during the meetup session so you have to be over 18 to benefit from those.

Click here to register and purchase ticket

Más información

Publicado por: Miquel Camps