
London Web Performance Group - EDGE 5

Saturday 27 June 2015, 10:00 - 11:00

10 Brock Street, London, NW1 3FG, London, Reino Unido

London Web Performance Group is proud to present EDGE 5 - a day of group discussion and debate on advanced web technologies for developers and browser vendors. Tickets to Edge cost £100. The space in the venue is quite limited, and we expect this event to be popular, so we are operating a pre-registration process to allocate tickets fairly and ensure a broad cross-section of the development community is able to attend. For more details and to register your interest see https://edgeconf.com/2015-london

ADVANCED TOPICS There are lots of excellent conferences to learn as a beginner. Edge is for those who push boundaries. If it doesn't make your brain hurt, we’re not trying hard enough. UNIQUE FORMAT We open each hour long session with a ten minute talk. After that, we’re into the discussion, and we keep it moving fast. We record everything, on video and in text. Everything is released for free to the world the moment the event ends. FORMAT Edge has no conventional talks and our audience asks no questions. Instead, we run highly structured debates with pre-curated questions and use tools to surface the most relevant opinions in real time. Our emphasis is on creating a good environment for productive debate and discussion, rather than presenting the experiences of a single speaker or unpredictable Q&A. Sessions last an hour, start with a dense (maximum) 10 minute intro by an expert, and then move into debate, run by a trained moderator. Every person present, whether in the audience or on the panel, has a chance to speak and present an opinion. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ldnwebperf-want-to-stay-out-of-the-news-then-avoid-these-end-to-end-performance-problems-tickets-15140003157"></a>

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps