
LJC - London Java Community - REPL Driven Development - Daniel Lebrero

Thursday 7 July 2016, 19:15 - 20:15

London, EC2M 2RB, GB, London, Reino Unido

Drinking too much coffee while maven builds and deploys your service? Jealous of how your Front End mate just press F5 to "deploy" his/her changes? Mastered the red-green-refactor workflow and want to know what is the next step? Our Lisp grandfathers knew how invaluable was the immediate feedback that a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) allowed during development and now Java 9 will have one. Perhaps you have read that a REPL is useful for "playing around" or for "small code snippets", but this is far from true. In this presentation, you will learn how with a REPL you can have a better and more productive developer workflow by building a Tomcat service, one bit at a time, without having to build, compile, package or deploy it. Demo will be done with a Clojure REPL but no previous experience with Clojure is required. This event will be accessible to all developers, but those with a year or more experience with Java will get most from the talk. Bio: Daniel Lebrero works as a technical architect at IG on the Big Data team. With 16 years of Java experience, he has become an expert on waiting for Maven to build and Tomcat to deploy *Please note this is an LJC event. Skills Matter are hosting this event and are handling the attendance - it is essential that you confirm your place at this link: </a><a href="https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/8087-using-repl-driven-development">https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/8087-using-repl-driven-development Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ Continue the conversation at our Slack Group: londonjavacommunity.slack.com - Sign up here if you're not a member: https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd <a href="https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6710-domain-driven-design-nosql"></a>

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Publicado por: Betabeers