
LJC - London Java Community - Refactoring to Kotlin

Tuesday 26 June 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Sign up on Eventbrite for Location, London, Reino Unido

The LJC are pleased to welcome Duncan McGregor and Nat Pryce for a live coding event this June. About The Session: Kotlin neatly fills a gap between the verbosity of Java and the complexity of Scala, has excellent tooling and a fun keyword, so what's not to like? In this session we introduce the Kotlin language through converting and then refactoring Java code. We’ll code our way through a structured series of exercises designed to familiarise the audience with the features and patterns of the language. About The Speakers: Duncan McGregor has been programming professionally for 25 years. He was lucky enough to ride the Object-Oriented wave of the 90s, the Agile wave of the 00s, and what he is convinced will be called the Distributed-Functional wave of the, erm 10s. When not writing about himself in the third person, Duncan codes, runs conference sessions on things that interest him, and throws his money away in entrepreneurial ventures. His blog is called What I Should Have Said. Nat Pryce is a co-author of Growing Object­-Oriented Software Guided by Tests. An early adopter of XP, he has written or contributed to several open source libraries and tools that support TDD and was one of the founding organizers of the London XP Day conference. He works programmer, architect, trainer, and consultant in a variety of industries, including e-commerce, media, telecoms, finance, retail and marketing communications. He has delivered business-critical systems that range from embedded devices to large compute farms supporting global business. His blog is named Mistaeks I Hav Made. ***This is a placeholder for the event which is being run on Eventbrite. See the full details and register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/refactoring-to-kotlin-tickets-46728063897 *** Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ Continue the conversation at our Slack Group: https://londonjavacommunity.slack.com Sign up here if you're not a member: https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd

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Publicado por: Betabeers