
LJC - London Java Community - Microservices and Modularity or the difference between treatment and cure!

Thursday 5 November 2015, 19:15 - 20:15

London, EC2M 2RB, GB, London, Reino Unido

Everyone is talking about microservices these days! So the questions are: should you also jump on that bandwagon?  And why are your somewhat older colleagues (yep, those that still remember the EJB 2 revolution) not that enthusiastic? To help you make the right decisions, this talk will first focus on explaining complexity - the problem microservices claim to solve. It then will concentrate on modular architecture and how it compares to what most people understand by microservices! Live demo will present multiple ways to modularize exiting JEE application going from "monolithic" Glassfish EJB/JSF style app through SpringBoot and OSGi to reach a distributed system with a portal as front-end Bio:  Milen Dyankov is senior consultant at Liferay - the most popular Open Source portal platform. Before joining Liferay in 2012 he spent over 10 years designing and developing Java EE solutions for companies in finance and telecommunications industry. Apart from java portals he often speaks at conferences around Europe about modular and distributed systems, OSGI, performance tuning, web applications for mobile devices and many more! Agenda:   18:15: Doors open 18:30: Main presentation (1 hour approx.) Please note: The nearest Underground stations are Moorgate and Liverpool Street stations.  If you arrive early, there is coffee and tea available from the bar at CodeNode. *Please note this is an LJC event. Skills Matter are hosting this event and are handling the attendance - it is essential that you confirm your place at this link: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/7414-london-java-community Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ Continue the conversation at our Slack Group:londonjavacommunity.slack.com - Sign up here if you're not a member:https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd <a href="https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6710-domain-driven-design-nosql"></a>

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps