
LJC - London Java Community - Meetup with James Gosling – the Father of Java

Thursday 6 October 2016, 15:00 - 16:00

E16 1XL, London, Reino Unido

Java: past present and future We are delighted to be able to announce that on the 6th October our friends at IP EXPO Europe are hosting a special LJC Meetup with the Father of Java himself James Gosling, live at the expo. Entry is free - provided you register with the EXPO before 4 October, after which time entry will cost £35. We do realise that it could be difficult for people to attend a meetup during working hours, but James has a full schedule and we feel we can’t miss this opportunity to meet him. We are also booking a videographer to record the meetup and make it available on the LJC You Tube channel after the event. James will be talking about how Java started, and the exciting world it’s going to be creating in the future. The LJC meetup will start at 2:00 pm, and James will be talking to us at 2:15 for 30 minutes after which he will be with us for at least another 20-30 minutes for a Q&A session. The session will finish with a selection of pizza, beer and wine. Essential information - How to register: - You need to RSVP on this event page to secure your place in the LJC meetup. There is currently a waiting list but do still sign up if you are interested in coming along. Plans will change between now and the date of the meetup, so places may well become available. Connected to this - please remember to review your RSVP if your plans change and you can no longer get to the meetup. That way your place will be released for someone else in the community. - As the meetup is happening during IP EXPO Europe, you MUST also register with them using the promotional code “LJC2016” here [Register Here] to secure your free place. Please register now even if you only have a place on our meet-up waiting list, as there will be a charge of £35 for anyone registering after 7 pm on 4 October. - You can include up to two guests in your RSVP for our meetup. Please make sure you pass the promotional code “LJC2016” to them and ask them to register on the IP EXPO site too. A final thing to note is that James is also delivering the conference keynote speech at 10 am in the morning - so there is an extra opportunity to get to hear him talk. He'll be talking about his current work in Liquid Robotics, including a short section on how Liquid Robotics and Java gel together. If you are aiming to spend the day at IP EXPO and to hear his keynote speech, we’d advise you to arrive early to make sure of a seat!!  Of course, the expo has much more on offer too!  You will find details of all the speakers, exhibitors and seminars online at http://www.ipexpoeurope.com

Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ Continue the conversation at our Slack Group: londonjavacommunity.slack.com - Sign up here if you're not a member: https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd <a href="https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6710-domain-driven-design-nosql"></a>

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Publicado por: Betabeers