
LJC - London Java Community - London GUG: Developing JavaEE 7 Based Apps Using Payara Micro

Tuesday 16 June 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

116-120 Goswell Road, London, Reino Unido

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A GUG EVENT NOT AN LJC EVENT. WE ARE USING THE LJC TO GENERATE PUBLICITY OF THE EVENT. TO GUARANTEE A PLACE YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR DETAILS HERE: http://www.payara.co.uk/java_ee_glassfish_user_group_june_2015  Developing Java EE 7 Based Applications Using Payara Micro Building on the Java EE 7 support of its GlassFish 4.1 core, Payara Micro enables you to run Java EE 7 based applications from the command line without any application server installation. In this hands-on workshop/tutorial, we will provide you with an overview of Payara Micro and the services offered by this distribution from Payara. Furthermore, we will walk you through how to setup, develop and use Payara Micro to run applications deployed in a Payara Micro cluster.  This hands-on workshop will give you a unique opportunity to play around with the newest release of the Badass Fish - Payara Micro! Supported by David Winters, Payara Engineer, you will be able to try the new application server to see what’s new, and learn all of its exciting new features! As usual, beer and pizza will be provided to fuel you up for the two hours of Payara-hacking :) We will also be giving away two Payara goodie bags at the end of the event! Speaker David Winters is a Senior Support Engineer at Payara. He has over 9 years support and development experience working on various Java EE frameworks and business critical applications for customers across multiple industry domains. Dave has a keen interest in performance tuning of middleware and EAI technologies, and furthering his knowledge of data analytics using machine learning tools and algorithms to perform predictive analytics on different problem types. What is Payara Micro? Payara Micro is our first release of a new way of running Java EE applications. Building on the Java EE 7 support of its GlassFish 4.1 core Payara Micro enables you to run war files from the command line without any application server installation. java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy test.war That’s not all! Using the Hazelcast integration each Payara Micro process will automagically cluster with other Payara Micro processes on the network, giving web session resilience and a fully distributed data cache using Payara’s JCache support. Why Payara Micro? Payara Micro is small, only 57MB in size and incredibly simple to use. With its automatic and elastic clustering it is designed for running Java EE applications in a modern containerized/virtualized infrastructure using automated provisioning tools like Chef, Ansible or Puppet. As each Payara Micro server will automatically cluster with other servers on the network your Java EE application can be elastically scaled horizontally by adding and removing containers based on demand. How do I get Payara Micro? Payara Micro is available from our downloads page  Find out more about Payara Micro! Introducing Payara Micro  What's New in Payara[masked] Agenda 18:00 - 18:15 - Welcome and Networking  18:15 - 20:15 - 'Developing Java EE 7 Based Applications Using Payara Micro – hands on workshop/tutorial with David Winters; beer & pizza from 19:00. 20:15 - 20:30 – Wrap-up & Payara goodie bag raffle. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A GUG EVENT NOT AN LJC EVENT. WE ARE USING THE LJC TO GENERATE PUBLICITY OF THE EVENT. TO GUARANTEE A PLACE YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR DETAILS HERE: http://www.payara.co.uk/java_ee_glassfish_user_group_june_2015  <a href="http://www.c2b2.co.uk/london_jbug_january_2015"></a>

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps