
LJC - London Java Community - Java 8 Training - Free Spot Raffle

Thursday 7 August 2014, 01:00 - 02:00

Evento Online

**Please note this is an online promotion and no actual meeting will take place. You must RSVP with your email address to enter** Modern Development with Java 8 - Free Spot Raffle Recently Raoul Urma, Jim Gough and Richard Warburton got together to launch a training course around Java 8, with particular focus on Lambda expressions and Functional programming. We all met through the London Java Community and will start running our course in London on 24th/25th September so we thought as a big thanks to the LJC for bringing us together we would raffle off a free place on the course. If you want more information about the course or want to signup yourself then you can email [masked] or visit http://java8training.com. The way to signup to the raffle is to join this event and leave your email. We'll be announcing the winners on 24th August! Best of luck - Richard, Jim & Raoul   Java 8 Java 8 isn't your parent’s Java anymore. It is the largest update to Java in its history. Its a very exciting time. Some of the best ideas from functional programming are migrating their way into Java 8. This means easier to read, more flexible code that scales to many cores. At the end of this course, you will be ready to use Java 8 on your day job and be familiar with the cutting edge programming approaches which allow you to write more flexible and concise code.   The Course There is a complete course description up at <strong style="font-size : 14px">http://java8training.com. Get up to date with the language changes introduced by lambda expressions in Java 8. Think in terms of functional programming and understand where this is an appropriate approach and where its not. Introduce changes to the collections library such as Streams and the higher order functions such as map and filter. Understand how to use them in order to solve simple data processing problems.

<strong style="color : #888888 ; font-size : 14px">**Please note this is an online promotion and no actual meeting will take place. You must RSVP with your email address to enter**

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps