
LJC - London Java Community - Docklands.LJC: Surviving Java 9

Tuesday 14 November 2017, 19:15 - 20:15

5 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, E14 4BB, London, Reino Unido

We are pleased to bring you the next event of the Docklands.LJC; a group within the main London Java Community that focuses on the developer community in and around Canary Wharf each month. Our speakers this month are the Diabolical Developer himself, Martijn Verburg, and Gary Field from Credit Suisse As the spaces are limited, places will be preferentially allocated to those who have attended previously and first-timers; those with a low attendance record may be removed.  *** Please note ***Your *FULL NAME* is required by building security in order to attend.If your username is not your full name, please add it when registering, otherwise you will be REMOVED from the registration list. ********************* Arrive from 6:15pm, talks will begin promptly at 6:30pm. Attendees arriving after 6:40pm may not be admitted. The program is as follows: - 6:15 pm Doors open  - 6:25pm Introductions - 6:30pm Speaker One and Q& A session. Approx 60 min in total - 7:30pm Speaker Two and Q& A session. Approx 60 min in total - 8:30pm Wrap up & beer at Davy's, our official watering hole  -- Whats happening in Java======================= Gary Field will briefly present some of the big announcements from the September JCP EC meeting and JavaOne.  There are big changes happening in the Java Community, and plenty of ways to get involved in driving the future of Java and the JVM. The Diabolical Developer’s Guide to Surviving Java 9================================================ Java 9 comes with a new modularity system (Jigsaw), restrictions on the use of internal libraries such as sun.misc.Unsafe, a new REPL (JShell), a change of the default garbage collector to G1, and much more. All of this combined means that Java 9 is potentially the most groundbreaking release since Java 5 introduced generics. In this session, the Diabolical Developer presents a pragmatic guide to migrating your apps to Java 9 and how to avoid the common pitfalls. He covers how to still gain access to those restricted internal libraries, how to deal with the performance impact of moving to G1, how to split your app to use both the classpath approach and the new modularization approach, and more. Leave this session with the confidence to move to Java 9!

Bio=== Gary Field is a member of the JCP Executive Committee and a senior development lead in Global Markets Technology at Credit Suisse, where he has worked for the 21 years. Over that time he has built electronic trading and derivatives solutions in C++ and C#, for Unix, Windows and Linux. For the last few years, his focus has been Java, specifically modularity with OSGi, TDD and automated application deployment and management. -- Martijn Verburg is the CEO and co-founder of jClarity, a Machine Learning based Java/JVM performance analysis company. He is the co-leader of the London Java User Group (LJC), and co-leads the global Adopt a JSR and Adopt OpenJDK efforts to enable the community to contribute to Java standards and OpenJDK.  Martijn is the co-author of "The Well-Grounded Java Developer" on Java, Polyglot Programming on the JVM and modern software development techniques. Martijn also acts as a community lead for the PCGen and Ikasan open source projects, moderates at the Javaranch and can be found answering thorny questions on the programmers stack exchange sub-site. He was recently made a Java Champion in recognition for his contribution to the Java ecosystem. He's a popular speaker at major conferences (JavaOne, JFokus, OSCON, Devoxx etc) where he is known for challenging the industry status quo as "the Diabolical Developer".  Oracle Java Champion  JavaOne Rockstar

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Publicado por: Betabeers