
LJC - London Java Community - Docklands.LJC: Java Generics: Past, Present and Future

Tuesday 10 May 2016, 19:30 - 20:30

-, London, Reino Unido

We are pleased to bring you the eleventh event of the Docklands.LJC; a group within the main London Java Community that focuses on the developer community in and around Docklands on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Our speakers this month are Richard Warburton and Raoul-Gabriel Urma Please note the location for this event as it is in a different location from the previous one.  As the spaces are limited, places will be preferentially allocated to those who have attended previously and first-timers; those with a low attendance record may be removed. Richard Warburton and Raoul-Gabriel Urma: Java Generics: Past, Present and Future Generics are one of the most complex features of Java. They are often poorly understood and lead to confusing errors. Unfortunately, it won’t get easier. Java 10, release planned for 2018, extends Generics. It’s now time to understand generics or risk being left behind. We start by stepping back into the halcyon days of 2004 and explain why generics were introduced in the first place back. We also explain why Java’s implementation is unique compared to similar features in other programming languages. Then we travel to the present to explaining how to make effective use of Generics. We then explore various entertaining code examples and puzzlers of how Generics are used today. Finally, this talk sheds light on the planned changes in Java 10 with practical code examples and related ideas from other programming languages. If you ever wanted to understand the buzz around value types or declaration site variance now is your chance! Bios Richard Warburton is an empirical technologist and solver of deep-dive technical problems and works independently as a Software Engineer and Trainer. Recently he has written a book on Java 8 Lambdas for O’Reilly and helps developers learn via http://iteratrlearning.com and http://www.pluralsight.com/author/richard-warburton.  He’s worked as a developer in diverse areas including Low Latency Trading Systems, Statistical Analytics, Static Analysis, Compilers and Network Protocols. He is a leader in the London Java Community. Richard is also a well known conference speaker, having talked at Devoxx, JavaOne, QCon SF, JFokus, Devoxx UK, Geecon, Oredev, JAX London, JEEConf, Codemotion and JProfessionals. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Warwick. Raoul-Gabriel Urma is CEO and Co-Founder of Cambridge Coding Academy. He is also author of the bestselling programming book “Java 8 in Action” which sold over 15,000 copies globally. Raoul completed a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. In addition, he holds a MEng in Computer Science from Imperial College London and graduated with first class honours having won several prizes for technical innovation. Raoul has delivered over 60 technical talks at international conferences. He has worked for Google, eBay, Oracle, and Goldman Sachs. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts Please note Your full name is required in order to attend. If your username is not your full name, please add it when registering, otherwise you will be removed from the event. Arrive from 18:20, talks will begin promptly at 18:30. Attendees arriving after 18:40 will not be admitted. Nearest coffee shop – Café Brera, One Canada Square, Cabot Place, if you arrive early. Continue the conversation  at our Slack Group: londonjavacommunity.slack.com - you can sign up here if you're not a member:

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Publicado por: Betabeers