
LJC - London Java Community - Building Fault-Tolerant Microservices - Presented by Christopher Batey

Tuesday 4 November 2014, 19:15 - 20:15

116-120 Goswell Road, London, Reino Unido

Are you developing applications that communicate over a network? Of course you are! This talk will take you through all the ways you can build fault-tolerant applications and how, once you get your team in the mindset that everything will eventually fail, dealing with the failures gracefully is no more work than building fragile applications The topics covered will be: - What to do when one of the dependencies fails to respond in time - When to use network level time outs vs application level timeouts  - What to monitor and how to monitor it, e.g connection pools, thread pools, queue sizes, latency - How to test for when the network is slow or saturated  - How to test for when traffic is lost in transit - How to train your stakeholders to expect failure and get them to agree to fallbacks meaning they can choose availability over other requirements - When to use automated circuit breakers vs manual kill switches - Tips, hints and tricks for doing all of the above in Java The topics covered are especially relevant if your application has a lot of dependencies that it communicates with over a network i.e. microservices. It is even more applicable if your application is deployed to an environment which is prone to failure e.g. a "cloud". With supporting powerpoint slides, I'll cover the theory and motivation behind moving to a more distributed architecture and then go through the pitfalls and the strategies for improving fault-tolerance, backed up with real examples from Sky. Who should attend: Developers, Testers, Architects Junior developers should be able to follow it as well Bio: Christopher Batey is Senior Software Engineer at BSkyB where he spends his time designing and developing their next generation platform that backs Sky Go, Now TV etc. This talk is built around the experiences and lessons learned in taking an existing monolithic application and breaking it up into small manageable services that can be developed and deployed separately.  Agenda:  18:15: Doors open18:30: Lightning talks from members of the LJC18:45: Main presentation (approx 45/60 mins) 19:45/20:00: Networking and informal discussion at: The Slaughtered Lamb - 34-35 Great Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, EC1V 0DX - http://www.theslaughteredlambpub.com/ Please Note:  Nearest tube: Barbican Nearest Coffee Shop: Sun Coffee Shop, 55-63 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EN for if you arrive early  *Please note this is an LJC event. Skills Matter are hosting this event and are handling the attendance - it is essential that you confirm your place at this link: https://www.skillsmatter.com/meetups/6585-building-fault-tolerant-microservices Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ *Please note this is an LJC event. Skills Matter are hosting this event and are handling the attendance - it is essential that you confirm your place at this link: https://www.skillsmatter.com/meetups/6585-building-fault-tolerant-microservices

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps