LJC - London Java Community - Banking in the Cloud: Ultra-High Reliability Architectures
Thursday 6 December 2018, 19:30 - 20:30
Sign up on Eventbrite for Location, London, Reino Unido
Banking in the Cloud: Ultra-High Reliability Architectures When building the software systems for a bank reliability is key. How do you create a software architecture that provides you with extremely high reliability, whilst still allowing you to deploy code at a reasonably rapid pace? This talk will focus on the experience of Starling Bank, which has spent the past 3 years building and running a bank with just such an architecture. It will explain the construction of the self contained systems that make up the bank, how those systems are designed to be deployed and scaled independently whilst still providing incredibly high reliability, and how this system is expected to scale in the future. About the speaker Jason Maude is a coder, coach, debater, and public speaker. He has over a decade of experience working in the financial sector, primarily in creating and delivering software. He is passionate about explaining complex technical concepts to those who are convinced that they won't be able to understand them. He currently works at Starling Bank as their Head of System Analytics and host of the Starling podcast. This is a placeholder for the event being run on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/banking-in-the-cloud-ultra-high-reliability-architectures-tickets-52906426546 . Please ensure you sign up with your full name. Big thanks to IBM for sponsoring this event. This event is organised by RecWorks on behalf of the London Java Community.You can see our latest jobs here: https://recworks.co.uk/java-developer-jobs-london/. You can see our privacy policy here: http://recworks.co.uk/privacy-policy Continue the conversation at our Slack Group: https://londonjavacommunity.slack.com Sign up here if you're not a member: https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd
Publicado por: Betabeers