
Laravel Barcelona - Caching with PSR-6 by Hannes Van De Vreken

Monday 20 June 2016, 19:00 - 20:00

letgo, Plaça Pau Vila, 1, Barcelona, España

Caching with PSR-6 by Hannes Van De Vreken

Details: This meetup will be in English For this second meetup, we'll be having Hannes Van De Vreken, speaker at the past PHP Conference at UK.  In this talk we will explain what PSR-6 is, why it is designed like it is, and how to use it. From the provided interfaces, the virtual package on, to the implementations available. Everything will be explained for both beginners and more experienced developers.  We will dive into implementations, cache stampede protection, all using libraries we can find on  We will also show how to start using it today in our current applications by using adapters. The entire talk will be accompanied with code samples and live demos, showing both working and failing caching systems.

Location: Letgo kindly offered to host the event.
Plaça Pau Vila, 1, Edifici Palau de Mar, Oficina 3C, Moll del Dipòsit, Barcelona, 08039

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