Ironhack Barcelona - UX Design & Tech School - Workshop | Introduction to Testing
Saturday 24 November 2018, 09:30 - 10:30
C/Pamplona, 96 - 08018, Barcelona, España
¡Reserve your spot on this link: *Workshop - The purpose of this talk is to give junior developers an overview of what is testing and how to work with QAs on a day to day basis.- You’ll learn about testing methodologies, what tools QAs use, how can they help you and how you can help them perform both your jobs better.This talk can be interesting for QAs, team leads, product owners and project managers as well in order to be able to help your team work better.- In today’s agile development cycles, it is very important for a team to be multidisciplinary and be communicative.This will be a full day workshop with some theory and history of testing and some hands on testing tasks using the most common tools a QA uses on their day to day.- In order to avoid being too boring there will be lots of discussions.The tools we’ll be using cover both the web and the mobile development world. *Instructor*Jose Pita is a QA Engineer with a keen interest in technology and doing things the right way.Working in Agile with developers and product people to build bug-free apps for end users it’s his thing.Currently he’s building a test framework with Appium for iOS and Android applications using Kotlin and he’s teaching junior QAs that join the QA team at Metropolis:Lab. *Agenda*9h30 - Welcome Coffee10h - Workshop13h - Lunch provided by the organisers - Pizza & Drinks15h - End of the event * We will provide food&drinks and gifts to the participants Please answer this so we can get to know your profile:
Publicado por: Betabeers